The way this blog is going to work is that I will post a poem that I have written either new or old and then above it I will give my prose interpretation of it. My interpretation is not the "right" one, everybody "sees" things from their own perspective.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Silent Sonata

This poem was written 16 years ago for my book "Love Bites". It was all about the emotions of losing a step-daughter in a divorce.

Silent Sonata

Once a father, I loved
to hear my daughter
hate me. At four there
is no difference.

To know she's gone
brings a tear. Stains on
my carpet are all that
is left of her history.

Her disappearance is
no mystery. She is
away with her mother
all safe and sound.

To my sorrow I
am not around. Maybe
today I'll go to the
park and cry. Maybe I'll
just tell the swingsets good-bye.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Sticking to your core values can leave one in lonely place.


Sitting alone in
a room without walls,
the ceiling supported by
pillars of difference.

The room allows
in the rain but
forbids the sunlight.

I can see
the world outside but
there are no doors
to allow entrance.