The way this blog is going to work is that I will post a poem that I have written either new or old and then above it I will give my prose interpretation of it. My interpretation is not the "right" one, everybody "sees" things from their own perspective.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


This poem comes from my book LOVE BITES written Memorial Day weekend 1994 and after my SECOND divorce. I don't remember exactly but I think I was cautioning about rushing to judgement because history can never be the same twice.


If what you have for
me is love, why do you
cry for someone else

No doubt you have pain
but so do I. Now
I must carry my memories
in a U-Haul that always
travels away from home.

To say you want to
return sounds easy. I
might welcome you with
open arms but my
hands are tied.

My wrists are covered
with rope burns left from
your departure.