The way this blog is going to work is that I will post a poem that I have written either new or old and then above it I will give my prose interpretation of it. My interpretation is not the "right" one, everybody "sees" things from their own perspective.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Water Damage

 Another old poem from WIP. I guess I am talking about the need to let go of 
the past in order to move forward.  I did write this almost fifteen years ago.
             WATER DAMAGE         
             Building old buildings.
             Water risingup
             from hidden wells.

             Time is the only barrier
             holding back the
             flood of emotions.

             Releasing memories.
             Relief not only
             from erosion,

             but also, yhe
             removal of
             ancient problems.


An old poem from WIP. Probably from a "Greeting Card" period in my life.

              Be  happy
              for me that's
              all I ask.

              Yesterday's deeds
              must be relegated
              to the past.

              Tomorrow is all
              that we can change
              but today needs you.